Board of Directors
2024 Board of Directors
The Association is governed by a volunteer, member-elected Board of Directors. The 11 member board sets the strategy and policies for association and MLS operations in the broader Sun Valley area.

Stephanie Reed

Julie Cord
Vice President

Monica Hebert
Past President

Dawn Sabo

Sandra Caulkins

Rachel Wolfe

Jeannie Kiel

Matt Gelso

Daren Pennell

Luc McCann

Bess Carter
Government Affairs Committee (GAC) - Led by our Government Affairs Director and open to all members, this committee meets biweekly to discuss local government affairs related to our market and real estate issues. GAC provides knowledge, information, tools, and resources in a timely manner to both the SV Board of Directors and elected local government officials in an attempt to positively influence public policy decisions related to real property ownership. GAC works to improve the region’s quality of life and thereby maximize the success and profitability of SVBR members. GAC meets on the Wednesday prior to the monthly SVBR BOD meeting, and two weeks later at GAD's discretion.
Nominating Committee and Elections Committee - These two committees oversee the nominations and elections processes for our Board of Directors
Forms Committee - This Committee reviews and makes recommendations for changes to the local Sun Valley forms.
MLS Committee - Reviews MLS Rules and Regulations, and SVBOR MLS policies and determines whether amendments are needed. Amendments are to be presented to the Board for approval. MLS Membership Committee does not review potential membership violations due to confidentiality issues.
Technology Committee - Reviews topics relating to the MLS computer system/service, interviews, and recommends
service providers that will enhance Realtor’s ability to sell, and reports on updated technology that can be utilized by the Board to keep current in the industry.
YPN Committee - Helps young real estate practitioners become more business savvy by hosting networking events, communicating with other YPN members, and sharing tips and tricks.
Bylaws Committee - Responsible for any NAR-mandated changes to ensure Bylaws have been updated appropriately. Analyzes and examine whether Bylaws define current governance methods. Investigates to determine whether Bylaws’ language is too ambiguous. Makes recommendations to the Executive Committee for amendments to the Bylaws of the Board. Amendments approved by the Executive Committee must be presented to the general membership for final ratification.
Events Committee - Assists the CEO and SVBOR with vendors, venues and presenting options that fall within budget. Duties may also include assisting in the promotion of events and making recommendations to the Board about GMM presentations.